Liam Grant + Kadonnut Manner + DJ Adventurous Juan

Liam Grant + Kadonnut Manner + DJ Adventurous Juan
Doors 19:00 / Start 21:00 / Donation
Liam Grant
American Primitive Guitar / USA
Liam Grant is a New England guitarist with a punk ethos, cut from the American Primitive cloth.
The restless guitar explorations, modal epics, and driving uptempo rags recall the likes of Grant’s pedagogue, Takoma Records, and the path that was paved by his forebears John Fahey, Robbie Basho, Peter Walker, Max Oches and later Glenn Jones, Steffen Basho-Junghans, Jack Rose, and others.
Bridging that past Grant evokes the pith of the landscape in which he was raised.
Personal instrumental memoirs and ruminations on the banks of the Merrimack River. Amoskeag. And the place where the waters flow around it.
Salmon tails up the falls and black pearls from the river.
The exodus to Stratton-Eustis and the last night on dead river before the great flood.
“Although only 23 years old, Liam’s become a leading force in a much needed third wave revival of American Primitive music. Despite his age, Liam’s the very definition of ‘an old soul’ and while he draws on a wide variety of contemporary influences, he also channels a comprehensive history of the blues as well as a deeper energy that informs both his playing and songwriting.” — Rob Vaughn, Portland, Oregon – July 2023
Kadonnut Manner
Primitive Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking / Finland
Kadonnut Manner’s hypnotic, raw, and cinematic instrumental music invokes vivid imagery in the heads of those who hear it faster than any chemical would.
His music draws its influences from John Fahey school of American Primitive Guitar playing, country blues of Skip James and Mississippi John Hurt and Finnish folk music.
It expands the country blues form with things borrowed from different folk traditions, 20th century classical music and other inspiring sources, but doesn’t require any prior knowledge from the listener, only an open mind.
DJ Adventurous Juan
New Wave, Synth, Post-Punk