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    Mizuki Ishikawa, Alexandra Maciá & GubbiAnn trio + Page Swanson + Dimba (DJ-Set)



    Mizuki Ishikawa, Alexandra Maciá & GubbiAnn trio + Page Swanson + Dimba (DJ-Set)

    Doors 19:00 / Start 21:00 / Donation

    Trio: Mizuki Ishikawa + Alexandra Maciá + GubbiAnn trio

    Mizuki Ishikawa is an improvisation/sound artist based in Berlin. She improvises with everyday objects and DIY electronics to experiment with what can and cannot be a performance. She uses sound as her primary medium, manipulates the acoustic environment with feedback. Her work has been exhibited in London, Tokyo, Hannover and Berlin.


    Alexandra Maciá, an audiovisual artist based in Berlin, analyses the dynamic interaction between sound and image. She began her artistic career experimenting with analogue video and later moved into the field of sound, experimenting with electromagnetic frequencies and field recordings.


    GubbiAnn (no pronouns) – intentional sound dis/comfort zone made with DIY oscillators and circuit bending: noise, ambient, drone, improvisation, collaboration, and gentle-punk.


    Solo: Page Swanson

    Swanson manipulates field recordings with feedback.

    The audience is faced with re-animated source material cobbled together from recorded life.

    He’s part of the band STUMPED with sound artist Adam Buffington of Mumbling Eye since 2021.




    Andre Badim is a sound improviser and DJ producing psychedelic mixes of experimental trance music



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